The Barbera Foundation Presents

The Pasadena

Vocal Competition 2025

Funded by the Pasadena Area Opera Trust

Over $30,000 in prizes will be given away to eight finalists and
up to four career grant recipients, with the first prize of $7000.
The Tony Gaudio foundation will give audience favorite award and
one additional prize will be given to the best video submission
of an aria from an opera by a composer from the African Diaspora.

10 am – 4 pm

FINAL ROUND: Saturday, MARCH 22, 2025
7:00 PM
  Ramo Auditorium, California Institute of Technology,1200 E California Blvd., Pasadena

Application Opening on: OCTOBER 23, 2024

DEADLINE: Wednesday, DEcember 18 Midnight



  1. A minimum of 30 semi-finalists will be selected based on: video submissions, bio and resume.
  2. All applicants must be available all day on both the semi-final and final round dates, without exception.
  3. Eight singers will be accepted for the final round to compete before a live audience.Up to 4 additional monetary awards will be given to semi-finalists to be determined by the judges during the live semi-final round on Saturday, February 15. *New for this year: we are offering an award to the best aria from a composer of African diaspora.  This category is NOT a requirement, just an optional part of the competition. This award will be determined by VIDEO submission only, NOT part of the live semi-final round.  However, the winner of this award will be obliged to perform at the final round on March 22, 2025 and will receive an all-expenses paid round trip airfare, hotel accommodations and travel expenses.
    (please see #7 below).
  4. The application is open to all classical singers between the ages of 22-32 as of March 22, 2024, who reside in the United States. *Previous First Prize winners of the Pasadena Vocal Competition are ineligible to compete.
  5. Transportation to and from the semi-final round is the sole responsibility of the applicant. FINALISTS who reside out of town will receive hotel accommodation for both March 21 & 22, 2025 and airfare travel reimbursement up to $350. *Travel receipts will be required.*
  6. Repertoire Requirement of 4 selections: all selections must be sung in the original language of composition.
    a.         One Italian aria
    b.         One English aria
    c.         One aria not in Italian or English
    d.         One Musical Theater Standard or a song from the Great American Songbook.We suggest a song by I. Berlin, G. Gershwin, Rodgers and Hammerstein or any standard Musical Theater Composer.  We will also accept any operatic parody song such as ‘The Girl in 14 G’, ‘I’m glad I’m not a tenor’ or ‘Sexy Lady’ by Ben Moore.*Please contact our Artistic Director with ANY questions about repertoire for this final selection.  Please note that we are looking for a song and not an aria, and therefore Gershwin’s ‘Summertime’ will not fulfill this requirement. Please note that the Musical Theater selection will only be performed by the finalists at the final round.  This selection will not be sung at the semi-final round.
  7. NEW CATEGORY:In celebration of Black History Month and our commitment to the History of Opera, an award will be given to the best Aria from an Opera by a composer of the African diaspora. Examples of Composers are, but not limited to: Terence Blanchard, Nkeiru Okoye, Anthony Davis, Joseph Bologne Chevalier de Saint George, WIlliam Grant Still, Francis Johnson and Scott Joplin.  The winner will be determined by their VIDEO submission only. This aria will not be performed at the ‘live’ semi final round, unless it simultaneously fulfills requirement #2 (English Aria). However, the winner of this category WILL perform this aria at the final round, whether or not they are chosen to be one of the 8 finalists. All expenses accrued to and from the final round for the winner of this category will be completely covered.

    – This award category is open to ALL singers who apply, regardless of racial or ethnic identification.
    – This category will be awarded based on the performance that represents
    the best stylistic, musical, technically proficient and polished
    performance of an aria by a composer of the African diaspora.

    “Songs” within operas will be considered as acceptable entries because
    they are considered musical numbers within an opera. However, ART SONG
    will not be considered. The entry MUST come from an opera.

    Any questions about this category, please reach out to Catherine Miller, Artistic Director.

  8. ALL EIGHT FINALISTS will perform a foreign language aria, an English aria and the Musical Theater selection in the Final Round. When planning your aria submissions, we suggest that you take into consideration that you will sing all three selections in a row, with the final selection being the Musical Theater song. Semi-finalists will be judged on their choice of repertoire.  NO REPERTOIRE CHANGES after the semi-final round will be permitted.
  9. For the semi-final round, an accompanist is provided or you may bring your own.
    Artistic Director Catherine Miller will be the pianist for the final round. If you use our accompanist for the semi-final round, please provide a binder with all arias clearly marked, legible and double-sided. Please do not bring music in plastic page sleeves, anthologies or vocal scores.
  10. For the semi-final round we require standard audition attire of tea length dresses and dress shirts and pants. The final round is a free public performance and we require finalists to wear either a tuxedo or formal, floor length gown.
  11. You will be asked to attach your current headshot, resume, bio and proof of COVID-19 vaccination on your application. If you have not received a COVID-19 vaccination, please attach an explanation with an exemption doctor’s note.
  12. Rights to any Competition performance, whether broadcast, televised, recorded or filmed, belong to the Competition. No fee is payable on account of these performances or any recordings, broadcasts, transmissions or film.
  13. ALL decisions of the judges will be final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding its decisions.

For questions and further information, please email our Applications Director: Mona Lands.

The Pasadena Vocal Competition is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all applicants and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability or religion.
